The past 10 years have been an interesting journey for me as I have searched high and low for the magic ingredient — the “special sauce”, if you will — that makes a high performing team.
Author Archive | Theresa
Be A Better Leader
One of the most important things I’ve learned as an Executive Leadership Coach is that high performance doesn’t always equate to good leadership. In other words, just because you are successful at the work you do and the goals you and your business have achieved, doesn’t mean you are an excellent manager or an inspiring […]
People Problems
Are you tired of your “People Problems”? Maybe it’s time to quit spending money on hiring more people and invest in YOU as the leader of your business.
Uncomfortable Work Conversations
One of the most important things I’ve learned as an Executive Coach is that high performing leaders are comfortable having uncomfortable conversations. And it’s one of the greatest challenges my clients struggle with. Why do we avoid difficult conversations?
Building Accountability for Team Success
A coaching program that will set the foundation for Personal and Team Success.
Powerful Leadership Lesson
There’s been a recurring theme to my client coaching sessions lately, and whenever that happens I know another leadership lesson is emerging. This one hits home for me in a BIG way because I’ve mastered it myself quite well over the years and have learned to notice when I’m running down a rabbit hole fast. It’s a chronic […]