In my private coaching practice, working with business owners and team leaders, the #1 word that flies across my chopping block is: ACCOUNTABILITY. How is the accountability in your business?

In my private coaching practice, working with business owners and team leaders, the #1 word that flies across my chopping block is: ACCOUNTABILITY. How is the accountability in your business?
I’m absolutely fascinated with people and why they do the things they do. And through my discoveries I have felt compelled to share my stories – the things that I have learned working with great leaders, as well as leaders that struggle to get it right. Leading others and inspiring people to do anything isn’t […]
At least once a day, in conversation with my clients, I can be heard saying, “Honor your business.”. What I mean by that is: Whether you’re a business manager or business owner, it’s your responsibility to pay thoughtful and constant attention to the needs of your business in order to achieve results. If you don’t […]
Employees in sales positions need great incentives! Sometimes that means money; sometimes it’s time off; sometimes it’s an award system for gaining credentials or increased learning. The key element here is to design an opportunity for your team members to have control over what they earn – reward them!
A key element in producing specific results is rewarding those who do the work! When rewards and respect are based on performance and it’s clear to everyone that the act of getting it done is the goal, you begin to create a culture of execution.
I would go so far as to say that avoiding conflict and enforcing accountability is worse than having no accountability measurements in place at all. Does that sound harsh?